Insurance Agent Email Blasting - A Money Pit Disaster Or Dream?

Should you jump on the band wagon and spend your money to do an insurance agent email blast? This article explores and exposes insurance agent email blasting. You will be given the proof why with an "insurance agent" list this is not a myth, but instead a hard to swallow reality.

Emailing to a large list of insurance agents at a very low cost sounds like a marketers or recruiters dream. Now it is time to bust the dream bubble and head back to planet earth.

Yes when email is used in the proper manner, and for the right circumstance it is certainly a bonanza. However when email is improperly used, you may be completely destroying your reputation. Email blasting insurance agents is usually the latter. If you spent all day searching the internet with different search engines searching for insurance email list firms, you will come up with about 33. Many firms offer the identical list, but at a different price.

A few years ago, I had my programmer set up an email extractor program. I entered the term "insurance agent" and selected Google. Google did its job, starting at the first internet site and extracting every email address it found. After around 30 hours, the extractor program was shut off at about 15,000 "agent names". Now the purpose was to check accuracy, to see if it made sense to proceed. Each and every insurance agent name was checked against the agent database to see if the name currently existed as a licensed agent. After a lenghty examination process, the results were in. Exactly 14.1% of the email addresses matched some type of insurance agent. It was a simple choice to make. This easy way to selling insurance agent email blasting names was only for those not concerned about their reputable. For me, it was no way.

Have you ever been to the county fairgrounds, where a hustler was energetically promoting and exaggerating, enticing more and more people to get in line to see the half-man half-alligator, and the amazing cow with two heads? The price was right, so you joined in. After entering you found the half-man half-alligator composed of wood, and the two-headed cow was an unborn, partially developed calf head preserved inside formaldehyde. You didn't spend much, but neither did you get what you expected.

Once you are suckered, your money is gone. Everywhere you go, everything you do, people are more than willing to take your money.

Email blasting firms have already attacked the internet long before realizing the large market potential of insurance marketers and recruiters looking for the cheapest way to acquire agents. The field of dreams was started by firms with absolutely no knowledge of insurance email marketing, but with a burning desire to put easy dollars into their pockets. Build a list, and marketers will come to the low cost dream field. Their scheme continues to work. day after day.


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